Patrick James Dresses For Success
Patrick James is a leading men’s fashion retailer dedicated to providing their customers with outstanding professional service and quality merchandise. Their buyers are known for their mission to obtain the unique and exquisite items from around the world, without ever sacrificing quality and workmanship. This ethic now extends into the tablet and mobile context, with new sites launched for each channel.
Tablet-Specific Build Needed
While mobile was paramount, Patrick James also recognized that simply rendering their desktop site for tablet traffic was suboptimal. Conversion rates from tablet traffic lagged, and there were other problems:
- The design does not support Touch navigation
- Mouse links & buttons are too small for fingers, leading to mistaken clicks
- Design elements didn’t translate well to touch navigation
- Inability to promote tablet specific offers

Tablet Mobile Experience Delivers For Patrick James
Customers love the new tablet site, as pages per visit are up, and conversions are up even more. Concurrently, tablet optimization has yielded a significant increase in conversion rate from tablet traffic, leading to a rapid ROI on the project and an ongoing lift, in both revenues from tablet traffic and consumer satisfaction with the user interface.
“Unbound Commerce allowed us to target mobile and tablet customers separately with dedicated sites so that we can provide the best possible shopping experience on each device.”
-McGregor Button, Phoenix Direct

Unbound Commerce Solution
Phoenix Direct, who operates the Patrick James e-commerce site, chose Unbound Commerce because they saw the benefit of an integrated, dedicated SaaS –based solution. As a result, the same data that powers the desktop site drives the tablet shopping experience, providing their client with the lowest total cost of ownership.